Core Modules

ModuleTitleLV TypeCPLVDatesExamination
Application of Geophysical Prospection Methods in Earth and Environmental ScienceGeophysics II: Application of Geophysical Prospection Methods in Earth and Environmental ScienceFach-/Modulprüfung6402436
Application of Geophysical Prospection Methods in Earth and Environmental SciencesÜbung400811Di 16:30-20:00 Online-Veranstaltung (×7)
Application of Geophysical Prospection Methods in Earth and Environmental SciencesVorlesung401644Di 14:30-16:00 Online-Veranstaltung (×14)
Geophysical Logging and Log InterpretationGeophysical Logging and Log InterpretationVorlesung397761Mi 14:30-16:00 Online-Veranstaltung (×14)
Geophysical Logging and Log InterpretationFach-/Modulprüfung6402047
Geophysical Logging and Log InterpretationÜbung397494Mi 16:30-18:00 Online-Veranstaltung (×14)
Hydrogeophysics and Engineering GeophysicsEngineering GeophysicsVorlesung399416Fr 12:30-14:00 Online-Veranstaltung (×14)
Engineering GeophysicsFach-/Modulprüfung3405280
Numerical Reservoir EngineeringAdvanced Mathematical Modeling Methods in Applied GeosciencesFach-/Modulprüfung3403895
Advanced Mathematical Modeling in Applied Geosciences (Course canceled due to Corona situation in winter term 20/21 - Please take another course out of the curriculum to get your CP)Vorlesung/Übung400087
Numerical Reservoir Engineering: Geophysical Process Simulation (Applied Geophysics)Vorlesung397649Di 08:30-10:00 Online-Veranstaltung (×14)
Numerical Reservoir Engineering: Geophysical Process Simulation (WS)Fach-/Modulprüfung3405912
Petrophysics for Applied GeophysicsFluid Transport and Storage in RocksFach-/Modulprüfung3405249
Fluid Transport and Storage in RocksÜbung397491Fr 08:30-12:00 t.b.d. (×14)
Fr 14:00-18:00 t.b.d. (×14)
Laboratory Practicals: Applied Reservoir PetrophysicsLaborübung410757Fr 14:00-18:00 t.b.d. (×14)
PetrophysicsVorlesung399422Di 08:30-10:00 Online-Veranstaltung (×1)
Di 12:30-14:00 Online-Veranstaltung (×12)
Research Module in Applied GeohysicsResearch ModuleFach-/Modulprüfung6402850
Research Module in Applied GeophysicsSeminar400867Fr 10:30-12:00 Online-Veranstaltung (×13)